

  • The game is slow-paced (from 2 seconds to 5 seconds per game tick depending on a world shard where you start playing), since it allows you to debug your scripts in the real-time world.
  • screeps

  • Host your own server, modify games rules and play with your friends via LAN or on the Internet.
  • If you don't want to buy an unlock, that's fine-there is a standalone CPU-limited world shard where you can compete with other "CPU-locked" players on equal terms.

    Unlock your full CPU in your account on the official server by purchasing a Lifetime CPU unlock or an in-game CPU Unlock consumable item (can be bought by in-game credits).

  • Permanent MMO access with 20 CPU limit included in the starter package.
  • Other languages are supported via WebAssembly: C/C++, Rust, TypeScript, Go, C#, F#, Kotlin, Swift, D, Pascal, Zig, the list is growing.
  • Edit your scripts from the in-game editor, or using your favorite external IDE.

    However, if you are a pro developer, now is the chance to put your skills to the limit! Only basic programming skills are required.Your creeps will mine, build, defend, and conquer as you just work, sleep, or walk your dog. The better your scripts, the better your game-irrespective of the time played.Many kinds of units, base building, mining resources, territory control, economy, manufacturing, transporting, logistics, trading-all the attributes of a real strategy game which you need to program!.Units of all players coexist in the same real-time huge persistent world and obey the same rules.You play by writing JavaScript AI which controls your units 24/7 even while you're offline.It provides everything you need to start writing your AI whilst leaving main.ts as empty as possible. It is quite enough just to check once in a while to see if everything goes well. Screeps Typescript Starter is a starting point for a Screeps AI written in Typescript. And, unlike other MMO, you do not have to play Screeps constantly to play well. Unlike some other RTS games, your units in Screeps can react to events without your participation – provided that you have programmed them properly. Screeps is developed for people with programming skills. Sign in to view Screeps: World is an open source MMO RTS sandbox game for programming enthusiasts, wherein the core mechanic is programming. Sign in to view Price history (USD) No data. Sign in to view Review history T1 No data. You control your colony by writing JavaScript. Screeps, LLC Published by Screeps, LLC Peak 947. But beware, multiple players aiming for the same territory may lead to conflict! Screeps is a MMO RTS sandbox game for programmers, wherein the core mechanic is programming your units AI. As you conquer more territory, your influence in the game world grows, as well as your abilities to expand your footprint. Your colony can harvest resources, build units, conquer territory, trade with other colonies. With all the attributes of a full-fledged strategy game, you control your colony by writing script that operates 24/7 in the single persistent open world filled by other players on par with you. This is a completely different experience of an online game which you have never tried before. They live within the game and operate autonomously even while you are offline.


    If (mycreep.About This Game Screeps: World is an open source MMO RTS sandbox game. Screeps is the first strategy sandbox MMO game with a persistent open world where you play by writing JavaScripts to control your units AI. if creep has no energy, go to the energy source and harvest some if our creep doesn't exist, create it from our spawn


    The code inside of these curly brackets will run once per tick. github The Screeps engine is Open Source, allowing people to run Private Servers on their own.


    If you're new to programming, or you're new to JavaScript, but you think Screeps is cool and you really want to play it, in this tutorial I'm going to show you the simplest Screeps code possible and I'm going to walk you through step-by-step what each line of code means, what it does, and how I got there. getCmdLineOpts () command from the mongo shell.
